Thursday, July 1, 2010

What water can do....

We've got to have water to live. It keeps us hydrated and makes the plants grow, but we sometimes forget how destructive it can be. I mean, it DID carve the Grand Canyon, and it can do a number on your home without you even knowing it. A hidden drip over many years can leave a big mess (as seen previously in the kitchen disaster, which you can read about here. )

You're about to see what a tiny leak in a washing machine can do over time. The floor started feeling "spongy," and this was what was underneath:That's never good.

Once again, it all had to come up.

What a mess! See how those boards are rotten and splitting? It's amazing what can be under your floors without you ever knowing it! Obviously, the floor joists had to be replaced again, just like in the kitchen job.

Much better! Nobody has to worry about falling through the floor with these new boards in place. (It can happen! Remember the almost-disaster where the refrigerator sat? Scary!) Now we just need to cover that up. It's usually a bad idea to leave gaping holes in your house for extended periods of time! :-)

Almost back to normal! Let's get some flooring back on there.

And that's it! Sometimes you have to end up taking it all the way back to the dirt, but the end result is much stronger, sturdier, and nicer than it was before.

Coming soon: Taking a mantel from early 90's brass to classic and elegant in white. It's almost like one of those home makeover shows...... almost. :-)

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